Linux Courses

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Messaging Fundamentals

Mail Server Basics, About JUNK or SPAM Mails, Concepts of DNS(MX) Mail Exchanger, Understanding Email Routing, Mailing Components like MTA, MDA, MUA, SMPT-AUTH, O P E N - R E A LY, S M A R T - H O S T, T R A N S P O R T, F O R W A R D I N G , M A S Q U E R A D I N G e t c . Understanding Mailing features: Disclaimer, Autoresponder, MailQuota, Types of Email Accounts, Global Address Book, Distribution List etc. Understanding Email Header: Email Tracing, Message ID, TO, CC, BCC, X Parameters, Spam Score Etc. Understanding Mailbox: MDIR, MBOX

Sendmail Server

Mail Relaying through remote host /SMTP Auth / Mailer Table / Access Rules / Mail Archiving / Virtual Table / Aliases / Intigration with Antivirus / Anti Spam / LDAP as Global Address Book / Managing Control Pannel / SSL / TLS Certificates / Domain Masque Reading / Procmail / Auto Responder / Webmail / RBl SBL database integration for control SPAM.

Postfix Server

Mail relaying through remote host / SMTP Auth / Mailer table / Access rules / Mail Archiving / Virtual table / Aliases / Integration with antivirus / Anti Spam / LDAP as Global Address Book / managing Control Panel / SSL / TLS Certificates / Domain Masquerading / Procmail / Autoresponder / Webmail / RBl SBL database integration for control SPAM.


Mail Relaying through remote host / SMTP AUTH / transport map / Mail Archiving with individual users / Virtual Table / account alliases / mail forwarding / Integration with antivirus /Anti Spam / LDAP as Global Address Book / SSL / TLS Certificates / Domain Masquerading / Breifcase feature / many types of theme / Auto responder / mail flter / Backlist & whitelist Address / RBL SBL database integration o control SPAM.

LIVE Implementation

Administration of WHM / Cpanel, work on live domain, Examples of Scenario, Mail server Tweaks, Tips & Tricks.

DOVECOT SERVER (POP / IMPA Server) in depth.,SPAM ASSASSIN SPAM control tool in depth.TOOLS, Fetchmail / CRON / PROCMAIL / MailScanner / ClamAV / Spam Assassin / Usermin / Webmin etc.

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Live Project

Training By Industry Experts

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